The basis of success is the clear determination of goals.
There are several criteria which characterize effective formulation of goals:
Goals should be SMART
Achievement of goals must be beneficial for every person involved
All parties have to be convinced
Clear planning of activities
Consideration of strategies to overcome obstacles
Safeguarding that all parties possess the necessary competences
We prove the methods of the goal setting process using practical examples. Furthermore we provide convincing aids which can be used in the future. Our practical approach results in quick success and stimulated the participants to deal with the topic in-depth.
1. Objective-setting process:
Relevance of objective formulation
Requirements for the formulation of goals
Basics of the objective definition
System of objective planning
Evaluation of the objective-process
Communication of Results
2. Practical exercises for personal objective setting:
Private and professional goals
3. Achievement of joint goals:
Relevance of higher order goals
System of objective planning within teams
Practical exercise
Advantages and Benefits
Increased likelihood of objective-achievement through careful and detailed planning procedure
Early detection of obstacles
Critical discussion of possible solutions fosters understanding of processes and creativity
Increased engagement of the workforce through transparency and visualization
Conscious handling of available resources and conscious processing according to different priorities of goals
5 hours which comprise 3 lessons of 80 minutes.
At large values are defined as that what is seen as good, desirable, enriching, gratifying, lovable, useful and conducive at the private and societal level. Values can be divided in different classes such as aesthetic, religious, moral, artistic and economic ones.
Within the workshop we discuss individual values of the private and professional field. Since they determine the way we think and act, individual values are of tremendous importance. Subsequently the individual values are placed into the value system of a concrete company. On this occasion particular emphasis is placed on the role of shared values.
Values and their conceptual classification
Values in the private field
Conflicts between values and goals
Corporate values
Reflection and classification of corporate values
Advantages and Benefits
In-depth consideration of own value system goes ahead with clearity for individual objective-setting
Promotion of conscious formation of values in all areas of life
Increased understanding and reduction of conflicting values in the private and professional field
Sustainable support to become a leader
Increased understanding of the necessity of shared values for the development of teams
5 hours which comprise 3 lessons of 80 minutes.
Some persons complain about not enough time, wasted time or a lack of time. Even if you cannot know your exact life time it makes perfectly sense to think about time. You can at least plan the coming weeks or months and think about how many time you want to dedicate to the different areas of life.
Basis are the current priorities which can result in abandoning other goals. Don’t worry there will be enough time to dream, to relax and to handle unforeseen incidents. Our time planning helps to live a happy and fulfilling live.
The achievement of goals has a price which is the investment of time. In the workshop we discuss how time is invested wisely.
Time as a life resource
Life- stage specific time budgets for different areas of life
Overview of different areas of life
Examples for intelligent time management
Slack time for unforeseen incidents
The personal weekly schedule
The usefulness of a conscious time planning for the areas of life
The relevance of prioritization
Short presentation of participants: investment plan of their time
Use of time planning systems: online and offline variants
Time thieves in the personal environment
Advantages and Benefits
Assessment of compatibility of personal goals
Creation of plans which can be implemented with discipline
Better achievement of personal goals
Better understanding of others schedule
5 hours which comprise 3 lessons of 80 minutes.
Especially at the beginning of the professional career employees face a lot of ambiguities in dealing with others.
Which role does hierarchy play nowadays? Do I have to let the boss go into the elevator? Do I have to accept if my boss want to link at Facebook? Do I have to shake the hand of the female assistance before I shake the hand of the boss?
This workshop conveys interesting things about manners, explains different rules and helps to overcome personal attitudes and habits.
Etiquette in the office
Dealing with customers
Business lunches
Advantages and Benefits
Overview on professional and private manners
Security in appearance due to increased authenticity
Critical confrontation with personal attitudes
Improvement of the role model and increased appreciation among colleagues
5 hours which comprise 3 lessons of 80 minutes.
Basically one should follow the KISS-rule (keep it short and simple).
Several competences can increase the success of the call.
1. Empathy with the current situation of the partner
2. Detection of the partners temperament
3. Detection of the partners interests
In our workshop we place special emphasis on aspects of successful telephone calls:
1. Flexible and situational act on objections through repeated practical exercises
2. Training of a fluid and authentic call
The participants get important insights into the functioning of telephone calls from role playing. We try to call real contacts if possible. This enriches the workshop atmosphere.
Basics of a successful telephone call
Objective of the call
Interview guide
Treatment of objections
Personal attitude to telephone
Role play telephone training
Sample Call
Exercise Call
Preparation and review of telephone calls
Perfect preparation
Notices during the call
Advantages and Benefits
Professional attitude to telephone
Acquisition of skills to treat objections
Authentic behavior during the call
Safe guidance during the call
Identification of requirements to practice among colleagues
5 hours which comprise 3 lessons of 80 minutes.
For that reason it is of enormous importance to communicate open on reasons and symptoms of conflicts. This helps to find a sustainable solution which is acceptable for all parties.
The ability to resolve conflicts has many components: self-reflection, empathy for others and courage to present the own goals and interests are critical to success. Many people have problems to directly address conflicts or to present their own interests. On this occasion discussion templates and formulation aids can help to manage conflicts adequately.
Types of conflicts
Main reasons for conflicts
Escalation levels and symptomsEskalationsstufen von Konflikten und Symptome
Opposing personality traits as a source of conflicts
Structured analysis of conflicts
Formulation of future goals and finding solutions
Approaches to solve different styles of conflicts and their risks
Addressing conflicts – preparation and formulation aids
Advantages and Benefits
Arise consciousness for development of conflicts
Accelerated detection and addressing of conflicts
Factual treatment with structured tools
Recognition of the meaning of clearly determined goals, open exchange and common acceptance of solutions
Targeted strategies for conflict solution due to awareness of personality traits
5 hours which comprise 3 lessons of 80 minutes.
As humans we are helpful and like to create benefits. However, we face major challenges to carry out sales activities, which should be in principle the same. One of our largest problems is that the customer does not want to recognize the large advantage that he gets with the purchase of the product. Selling products or services at a certain price means primarily an exchange which requires the thoughtful use of relational skills. Gesture, posture and statements of the customer must be interpreted, and an adequate reaction should follow. The content of the conversation is not completely clear from the start. Sales talks are rather a dynamic process and should be adapted to the idiosyncrasies of the situation.
Within this workshop you learn an easy handling of sales talks and the management of potential objections. This gives you security in the entire process. Together we check existing guidelines for sales talks and practise the changes in role playing games. The stages warm-up, information and conclusion are exercised likewise.
Preparation of sales talks
Necessary documents
Information about the partner
Preparation of the premises
Personal outfit
Exercises of sales talks
Prime example
Practical exercises
Findings for improvements of sales talks
Which aspects are particularly important for the achievement of goals
Lessons learned
Advantages and Benefits
Strengthened empathy for talk partner
Practice of objective achievement
Acquisition of skills to treat objections
Save guiding through sales process
Identification of requirements to practice among colleagues
5 hours which comprise 3 lessons of 80 minutes.
Misunderstandings, sub-optimal teamwork and lack of harmony
between people of different generations is often the result of
poor communications. Skillful communication is key to success in
every sense. We show how.
People are involved into worldwide communication through the internet today. They are exposed to a flood of information from different cultures and act as senders and receivers at the same time (e.g. via Facebook). Style and form of communication change dramatically which holds true also for offline-channels like telephone and correspondence. However, the core of communication has remained. Communication means exchange of facts, attitudes, feelings and intentions. At the actions of the communication partner you can see if communication was crowned by success.
The workshop is focused on own goals of communication. What do I want to achieve? Which needs should be satisfied? We examine the choice of a large magnitude of communication channels such as SMS, WhatsApp, E-Mail, telephone call, personal talk or letter. In practical exercise we employ situations from the private and professional field to optimize the result of communication.
Sokrates sieve
Goals and elements of communication
Placement of facts, intentions, feelings and attitudes
Wanted effects of communication
Verbal and non-verbal communication
Means of communication
Electronic communication
Handwritten communication
Practical exercises
Exchange among friends
Communication in the professional field
Four-sided model of Schultz von Thun
Advantages and Benefits
Overview of best-practice communication models
Experience the relevance of understandable communication
Better results in the private and professional field through effective communication
Conscious non-verbal communication helps to understand the message
Accelerated recognition of erroneous communication
5 hours which comprise 3 lessons of 80 minutes.
Successful teams go through several phases until they really work as a team which is able to outweigh the results of independent individuals:
- Introductory stage
- Stage of latent conflicts and their disposal
- Stage of joint objective determination and establishment of game rules
- Result stage
The exact knowledge of the single stages and of suitable instruments to overcome obstacles are key to a successful introduction of teamwork.
This workshop provides valuable knowledge for leaders at different levels such as business units, departments or project teams.
Purpose of teams
Introductory stage: build mutual appreciation
Early stage identification and disposal of potential conflicts
Identification of common values
Common targeting
Agreement of game rules for the team
Targeted use of individual strengths
Definition of individual responsibilities
Ensuring the common achievement of goals
Advantages and Benefits
Understanding team dynamics
Experience successful instruments for team development
Invaluable knowledge for the alignment and leadership of people
Better coping of interpersonal conflicts
Practical development of skills to become a superior leader
5 hours which comprise 3 lessons of 80 minutes.
Teams can receive significant impulses if the working conditions are adapted to diverse cultural backgrounds. Intercultural competence is a prerequisite to work successfully in international teams. Central to intercultural competence is the ability to grasp, interpret and adequately handle attitudes and behaviors which are shaped by different cultural influences.
This workshop basically explains how to capture cultural differences. At concrete examples we explain the consequences of prejudices and broach the issue of gesture, speech patterns and symbols. The participation in the workshop helps to re-adjust empathy and increases perceptional sensitivity.
Approaches to grasp cultural differences
Cultural groups based on religion
Cultural groups based on regional background
Intercultural competences within the firm
Intercultural competences and global actitivies of the firm
Personal enrichment through development of intercultural competence
Our planet – the beauty is rooted in diversity
Advantages and Benefits
Understanding of team dynamics
Steigerung der Fähigkeit eines zufriedenstellenden Umganges mit Menschen anderer kultureller Prägung
Increased sensitivity facilitates further development of cultural competences
5 hours which comprise 3 lessons of 80 minutes.
1. An unforgettable presentation
Goals of the presentation
Composition of the audience
Triggering moment – for what?
Measurement of success
2. Design elements of a presentation
Arc of suspense and AHA-effects
Temperament of the presenter
Characteristics of the content
Ensure sustainability
3. Exercise presentation
Short presentation
Presentation of a product/ service of the company
5. Useful exercises to maximize success
Advantages and Benefits
Learn how to design effective presentations
Consider different techniques to present
Safety in presenting
Discover the necessity of communication with the audience during the presentation
Participants consider the use of different resources to set goals
5 hours which comprise 3 lessons of 80 minutes.
Regardless if there are regulations for the process of appraisal interviews or not, leaders should use them to talk about goals and performance. Appraisal interviews should be used to record needs, goals and competences of the employee. It makes perfect sense to introduce a continuous communication with the employees to transfer the level of appreciation required – even if intermediate targets are not achieved in between. The ability to shape appraisal interviews makes the difference between leaders and managers.
Goals of appraisal interviews
Agreement or specification of goals? Risks and Advantages
Interview guidelines
Feedback interviews to support the achievement of goals
Design of constructive, appreciative but clear feedback – even for critical topics
Dealing with uncomfortable situations
Advantages and Benefits
Increased awareness of the goals of appraisal interviews
Increased awareness of the role of leaders
Better preparation and implementation of appraisal interviews
Interview guidelines bring security - advice on behavior and communication help to overcome critical issues
5 hours which comprise 3 lessons of 80 minutes.
Our own opportunities are further shaped by the conditions of the (local) labor market. Which kinds of employees are requested for which professions? We are exposed to a huge amount of information. What is important and what is less important? Which actions are requested? Which information should be stored in our memories?
At the same time we send messages to inform others, to inspire others or to move others to action. The personal presentation is an effective instrument whose operation must be practiced. An effective presentation requires the use of rational and emotional techniques likewise.
This workshop includes the basics of applications. We strongly recommend the participation in the workshop “Implementation of successful applications”.
Situation of the labor market
Unemployment rate
Growth industries
Future industries
Training market
Root cause analysis
Realistic self assessment
Professional test
Strenghts and weaknesses
External assessment
Root cause analysis
Application activities
Plan for an successful implementation of applications
Channels to find jobs and companies
Jobs of our dreams and interesting job offers
Goal planning
Possibilities to find jobs
Focus topic online job search and application
Tuning of application documents
Analysis of application documents
Goal and success factors of written applications
Structure of application documents
Checklist: content of the CV
Application photo
Critical assessment of templates and determination of an individual style
Cover letters
Content and structure of cover letters
Structure and ideas for formulation in cover letters
Advantages and Benefits
Support in the selection of the addressees
Development of personal attitudes to apply successfully
Critical consideration of personal skills
Dealing with steps to create professional application documents
Preparation of tasks for the job interview
5 hours which comprise 3 lessons of 80 minutes.
The first impression is decisive but the appearance has to be practiced. What should I express in the first minutes? What do I want to convey with my words?
Your partner in the company expects:
The applicant knows the basics of the company.
The applicant knows for which job or professional field he or she applies.
The applicant has relevant skills and capabilities and is further able to communicate them.
The applicant knows the rules of etiquette.
Application activities
Job search
Action plan for successful application activities
Basics of communication
Modes of communication
Social competences
Assessment of different channels to contact a new employer
Assessment of social competences
Telephone contact
Telephone contact and preparation for the interview
Notices, good and bad formulations
Active use and extension of networks
Personal job interview
Checklist preparation job interview
Comparison of contact channels
Checklist job interview
Review of the module
Advantages and Benefits
Successful contact to potential employers
Optimal preparation for job interviews
Confident appearance in job interviews
Important hints how to deal with new companies
5 hours which comprise 3 lessons of 80 minutes.
You have thought about your professional future in advance. This is the first important step, because work plays a major role in life and life plays a major role at work. Both should meet your own desires and potential and be associated with personal fulfillment.
The various criteria to be considered for this can be found in the Jobfinder. Only those who know their strengths can use them accordingly in the application process. If you want to develop professionally or reorient yourself, the Jobfinder offers you the best conditions for this. However, your consistent cooperation is essential for success - time, commitment, and creativity are required.
Stage 1: Personal assessment and potential
Stage 2: Preparing the application
Stage 3: Optimize application documents
Stage 4: Individual topics.
Stage 5: The job interview 1
Stage 6: The job interview 2
Advantages and Benefits
- Revealing ideal job opportunities
- Create compelling application documents
- Interview training and optimization
- Using online job portals successfully
- Impress with a successful and meaningful self-presentation
- Valuable information on further training or qualifications to help you get the job you want
- Long-term satisfaction in the professional and financial context
We will help you to define your professional goals, approach them with motivation and achieve them with commitment.