The educational initiative “100 Champions for your Region” was launched in different German states – for instance in Saxony with “100 Champions for Saxony” - with great success in 2010. Central aim of the initiative is the support of young persons between 14 and 25 to promote their development to self-confident, committed and value-oriented humans.
We define Champions as persons who are able to set personal, desirable goals and reach them with their individual commitment. With the help of companies, governmental institutions and other actors more than 500 young persons could participate in the course “Making of a Champion” until the end of 2013. During the years 2015 and 2016 Youth Globe and LMI DACH achieved an outstanding result another time. In the follow-up initiative “2015 Champions for Germany, Austria and Switzerland” more than 1200 young people got sustainable support for the next steps in their life. The impact of our activities within the regions will be maximized with the launch of the initiative “100 Champions”.
We are looking forward to get broad-based support from sundry actors like companies, associations, governmental institutions and private persons. All of them help to stimulate the development of the young generation in a sustainable manner. With the inclusion of the LMI courses “Effective personal Leadership” and the “Championstour” in the initiative we provide three “Champions-courses” which optimally fit seven different groups of participants. Impressive results are ensured with a close support over a period of six to ten months. Please find some interviews and references from previous participants below. Contact us if you need further information or if you are interested to support our initiative.
Target Groups and central Topics for the “Champions Tour” and the Course “Making of a champion”
Pupils about to graduate
Professional orientation
Discussion of values
Determination of personal goals
Time planning
Exchange in an enriching atmosphere
Trainees and Students
Taking responsibility for the own life
Discussion of values
Determination of personal and professional goals
Development of personal competences
Prioritization of goals
Young Professionals
Analysis of great personal potential
Development of competences to work in teams
Determination of private and professional goals in the medium-term
Building the bond to a company
Development of communicative skills and empathy in professional environs
Young People in Unemployment
Detection of personal strengths, fostering of motivation and self-confidence
Discussion of personal values
Definition of personal goals and creation of success stories
Support in searching and finding apprenticeships and jobs
Young Migrants
Study materials in German language (translations are available in English, French, Arabic and other languages)
Support in learning German
Intensive discussion of personal values
Main focus is the orientation towards professional goals (personal goals are included too)
Target Groups and central Topics in the LMI course “Effective Personal Leadership”
Future Leaders
Determination of personal and professional goals
In-depth discussion of personal values, to raise awareness to act as a role-model
Reinforcement of implementation expertise
Development of a natural authority
Treatment of errors and group dynamics
*Please send a request, if a cooperation with LMI is available in your region.
Young Entrepreneurs
Determination of goals based on self-realization
High success-rates by using methods of goal planning
In-depth discussion of personal values
Accelerated development of a natural authority
Development of Vision and Mission for your company
Better development of personality within your workforce
In-depth understanding of motivational forces
Effective talent management
Basics of effective strategic leadership
Information for Partners
YOUTH GLOBE aims to convince a large magnitude of different societal actors to become partners. Those actors include companies, governmental agencies, foundations as well as private persons. As a partner you have multiple opportunities to support our initiative:
- You finance the participation of your trainees and young employees in our courses.
- You finance the participation of young people in our courses to attract them as future employees.
- You finance the participation of young people in our courses due to your engagement for the region.
- You support the realization of the course and / or the marketing activities of the initiative..
- You support with the Glober-Bonus. .
For your trainees you enable the participation in the course “The making of a Champion”.
A young workforce causes efficiency gains and thereby fosters goal-achievement. Experiences with former participants provide striking evidence for the reduction of conflicts, an improved working atmosphere and better performance of young employees. At this occasion the participants positively influence the older workforce. The charism of our graduates works across the boundaries of the company and manifests in an improved firm-image.
You sponsor the participation for pupils and students in the course „The Making of a Champion“. By that you attract highly qualified employees.
We provide multi-channel (e.g. Facebook, Instagram, your own channels) announcement of available places in the course.
Our services include many add-ons, such as:
• Posters which refer to the possibility of participation in our courses which you can show in your premises.
• Joint discussions with subsequent assessments of the likelihood to be successful.
• Inclusion of special tasks (e.g. presentations) related to your company into the course.
• Much more is imaginable. Feel free to contact us for further information.
You observe the personal development of young people and get impressions about their practical capabilities. Your benefits are the direct access to young Champions and an increased image within your region.
You sponsor the participation for pupils and students in the course „The Making of a Champion“. The aim of your engagement is to support schools, projects or particular groups within your region.
It is a matter close to your heart to support young people of your region? With the sponsoring of the participation in a course you immediately support their personal development. Together with you we define the target group, be it pupils, young people with precarious living conditions or persons in your specific environment. Depending on your personal requirements you can choose the participants alone or we will support you. Under certain circumstances we can organize co-financing for your sponsorship from certain societal actors (e.g. employment agencies). Please contact us so that we can check available opportunities individually.
You support the realization of the course and / or the marketing activities of the initiative.
For the realization of our courses we look for special places and we strive to find extraordinary compositions of the YOUTH GLOBE events. We invite magnificent speakers for our presentations and fascinate our participants with great venues. We are looking for interesting partners which enrich our highlights like the Awarding Ceremony and the Championsnight. It is our idea to offer presentations of special companies in advance of the Championsnight. There is a large variety of ways to present yourself, be it presentations of new products or interesting concepts for young people. We are looking forward to exchange ideas personally.
With the usage of the Glober-App young people invest in their education. You acknowledge their engagement with the Glober-Bonus.
The Glober-App promotes the personal development of the participants in a holistic way. Participants are prompt to deal with values and goals in all fields of life. The continuous pursuit of the achievement of milestones is incentive and recognition at the same time. The usage of the app positively influences the professional life. With the Glober-Bonus you acknowledge the engagement of the participants.
Partners of our initiative
A comprehensive overview of our partners divided into regions you canfind here.
For Companies
The Glober-App detains personal goals of the user. Overall goals in 10 distinct fields of life which comprise the private and professional field are described and consequently pursued. The progress is reviewed every single week. Together with you the trainee evaluates the compliance with the goals. The user of the Glober-App experiences an enormous development which is advantageous for your company. You can acknowledge the individual development with the payment of a Glober-Bonus at the end of the year.
For Users
The Glober-App supports you to develop a clear idea of life. Satisfaction and recognition of your personal environment are strong motivators. More and more companies are using the Glober-Bonus to pay tribute to individual efforts of their employees in their free time. It is worth to ask within your company if they pay the Glober-Bonus.
You can install the Glober-App as usual.
Learning and Living abroad
Living abroad enriches your personal life. It provides multiple experiences and helps you to acquire capabilities which are not existent at home. YOUTH GLOBE teams work globally and can inform you about possibilities to learn and work in other countries.
Our approach is to inform you about concrete opportunities and support you to get the job. At the same time, we warn against promises that will not be made. Living abroad is not equal to the entry in the paradise. Please carefully think about before you dedicate any resources, be it time or money. For example, Germany is urgently looking for skilled workers in various industries (healthcare, logistics and tourism). Without a fluent command of German language and specific skills the likelihood of finding a proper employment decreases tremendously. In addition to this skills personal engagement and professionalism are highly regarded in the German labor market.
The regional teams offer round tables to inform you about conditions for learning and living abroad.
Please find further information and concrete dates here .
“From Globers for Globers” is one of our central ideas. Within YOUTH GLOBE clubs we discuss and develop ideas for highly exceptional products. If the ideas turn to be feasible they will be implemented. Success breeds success.
With our first ideas we gather experiences in production and develop fresh ideas. Initiators are going to be exposed to competition.
Our web-store competes against incumbent companies. Small businesses with fresh ideas have multiple opportunities. Unlike inert large companies, small firms have a head start in terms of creativity and speed in decision making. Our Globers can be creative.
If you have ideas join our clubs. In variation of a proverb: Who dares can win, who does not dare will not win.
Music Competition
„YOUTH GLOBE“ die beste Band auf der ganzen Welt.
Der Wettbewerb richtet sich an alle Musikbegeisterten, die noch nie auf einer großen Bühne standen und ist offen für ein breites Spektrum an musikalischen Stilrichtungen. Metal, Punk, Rock, Pop, Indie bis hin zu Klassik oder Hip Hop – alles ist erlaubt!
YOUTH GLOBE möchte jedem die Chance geben, vor einem Publikum von bis zu 700 Leuten aufzutreten.
Bis zum 20. März 2020 können sich interessierte Bands und Solokünstler zum Wettbewerb anmelden. Aus den Bewerbungen werden per Internet-Voting fünf Bands bzw. Solokünstler ermittelt, die am 23. Mai 2020 zum YOUTH GlOBE Band Contest im Saal der Staatsoperette Dresden gegeneinander antreten werden.
Alle Vorbereitungen und Auftritte werden von professionellen Technikern der Staatsoperette Dresden betreut. Zudem werden die Live-Auftritte gefilmt und den Teilnehmern später zur Verfügung gestellt.
Am 23. Mai 2020 wird durch das anwesende Publikum und die Fachjury aus dem Musik- und Kulturbereich der Gewinner ermittelt.
In this regard a special highlight is the first international award ceremony at the YOUTH GLOBE festival in Dresden at May the 23rd.
The local YOUTH GLOBE teams are responsible to assign the regional awards and similarly our national teams assign the national awards.
From the suggestions of the worldwide Glober-network we choose the winners of the international awards.
The YOUTH GLOBE awards are assigned in the following categories.

The CHAMPION–Award recognizes the
superior performance of young people who
have accomplished a Champions - program.
The award honors participants who have
not only achieved their personal goals with
great commitment but have given new
momentum to their personal environment.

The YOUTH GLOBE–Award recognizes and
commends people who have particularly
distinguished themselves through their engagement in the promotion and development of those who will shape tomorrow’s society.

The AIMY–Award honors personalities who can serve as role models for the success they have already achieved. Personalities who have risen to exceptional challenges in their personal, social and professional life and have mastered these challenges with outstanding commitment.