Team Spanien

Mitarbeiter des Unternehmens



Ronald Bracholdt

Managing Director

Als Physiker hatte ich mich nach dem Studium dem Thema Startups mit wissenschaftlich anspruchsvollen Produkten gewidmet. Dabei habe ich erlebt, dass vor allem souveräne Führungspersönlichkeiten gefragt sind, um zukunftsweisende Ideen auch erfolgreich zu etablieren. Einen ganzheitlichen Ansatz, bei dem das „Entwickeln durch TUN und Miteinander“ im Mittelpunkt steht, verfolgen wir mit YOUTH GLOBE. Wir orientieren uns am EINFACHEN und gleichzeitig wirkungsvollem, bewerten die Ergebnisse anhand der Ziele, Rahmenbedingungen und zugrunde liegenden Werten – und werden so ERFOLGREICH im eigenen Leben. Auf Basis eines Humanismus zu wirken, der den Spaß und die Freude am Leben verfolgt und die Verantwortung und Pflichten dabei fest im Blick hat ist mein Anliegen bei YOUTH GLOBE.
Mitarbeiter des Unternehmens



Andrea Feliz

Director Seminars 

After earning my bachelor's degree in psychology, I dedicated my career to the field of organizations. After a few years of working in the areas of training, jobs, communication and human resources development of employees, I graduated as a specialist in Strategic Resource Management. I was lucky enough to work in both national and international companies, where I participated in various strategic projects and gained interesting experiences, working with wonderful people who enriched me with their experiences.

For personal reasons and in search of new challenges, I moved to Germany a few years ago. I had to adapt to a new culture and also learn a new "difficult" language, with which I had never had contact before.

I am proud to work for YOUTH GLOBE now - and although of course some of my activities are in my mother tongue, most of them are in German! With this little story I try to convey that it is always possible to achieve even what sometimes seems impossible and unattainable with effort and dedication.

And this is exactly our common goal at YOUTH GLOBE: to support people in the process of their personal and individual development, so that they can transform their dreams into challenging goals in the different areas of their lives and unfold their potential.



Virginia Zuloaga

Director Marketing  

I have three decades of professional experience focused on Customer Service, Public Relations, and for the past 10 years, Online Branding & Communication. In 2015 I founded a Digital Marketing Consultancy Agency catering digital communication services to B2B companies, succesfully connecting brands with their audiences on all major online social platforms.

For the past three years, I have been effectively delivering workshops, trainings and mentorship programs to a variety of audiences, from C-Level group trainings, to entrepreneurs at different stages of their cyles, as well as University graduates and MBA students.

This past couple of years have been especially exciting for me, having the opportunity to work with people all over the world and supporting them in boosting their personal and professional self-confidence, getting ready for new opportunities, upscaling their career skills, and helping them embrace unchartered working environments.

Joining the pioneer YOUTH GLOBE team in Spain is one of my most rewarding milestones, having the opportunity to make a positive impact on the personal and professional lives of young and modern generations, guiding them through the improvement of their talent and knowledge by contributing with my own background and years of experience.



Adriana Espinosa

Director PR  

I am an Administrative professional with over 15 years’ experience in the field. I have experience as a Translator and Business English instructor, working for various organizations, corporations, and agencies, including Mapfre, the United Nations Development Programme, Global Broker Network, Asociados Espinosa Bulla and Brieffin Consulting. Fulfilling various roles from general management and broker assistance to public relations, sales and content development.

I graduated with a degree in Business Administration from the Schiller International University in Madrid and have a Masters Degree in International Business. But my great passion is training. I’m a committed and passionate educator with a desire for new and exciting challenges. My self-motivated and flexible approach to life means I’m adaptable to any situation.

As an educator with over 15 years teaching in professional business settings, the opportunity to collaborate with YOUTH GLOBE Spain is a landmark in my professional journey because through this I hope to be able to help companies all over the world help their employees navigate the hardships of today´s lifestyle and find their true potential, balance and happiness.